Friday, July 3rd, the journey begins with a high speed train to Arras, in the North of France.
As a prologue I cycled from Arras to Calais with my friend Julien and reached the UK by ferry boat to Douver Sunday, 5th.
Monday, I was busy buying some food on a street market in Gillingham and Nigel, an english man with peruvian origins asked me questions about my journey and invited me with his girlfriend Marzena, a polish girl. After a shower, a good meal, a visit of Rochester and an other good meal I had a very peacefull rest for the night at their home.
Tuesday, Nigel join me to reach London by bike and we went to Agnieszka and Adam, two friends of Marzena who live 20km from Heathrow airport, for the night. The day after, I successfully took my flight to Rio de Janeiro.
It is with a large smile inspired by this hospitality and generousity that I finish this prologue.
Cycling alone forces nice meetings.